The Mt. Heathy Advantage: Our Guarantees and Policies
100% Alive and Healthy Promise
At our hatchery, we are committed to ensuring the delivery of 100% live and healthy birds to you. In fact, we take pride in going above and beyond by sending 102% on every order, providing a small margin of extra birds in each shipment. We firmly stand by our product and have excellent shipping success, but should any loss exceed the margin provided, we are happy to credit, refund, or replace them.
We kindly remind you that, for us to address any concerns effectively, we must be notified within 24 hours of the delivery. If, upon arrival, your birds are not deceased but seem weak, please notify us. In such cases, we will not only exercise discretion in extending the warranty window but will also provide valuable information that may help revive your birds.
Given the perishable nature of our product, regrettably, we cannot extend this guarantee to losses or concerns reported beyond this timeframe.

90% or Greater True-to-Sex Promise
Chick sexing is a balance of science and art, and therefore although highly accurate, is not always perfect. We stand by the accuracy of our sexing, promising at least 90% correctness. If, by chance, there is an error in sexing a portion of your order, we're here to make it right. A credit, refund, or replacement – the choice is yours. Sexing errors can be reported starting at 12 weeks of age (excluding color-sexed breeds, which can be reported immediately). We kindly ask for an image of the bird(s) in question for our records. Any sexing errors beyond the 10% buffer will be compensated.
When figuring your sexing allowance, if the 10% falls on a fraction we round in favor of the customer. For example, 10 females allow for 1 unexpected male, but 5 females would allow for 0 unexpected males.
Please keep in mind, that we vent sex our chicks, are they are not able to wing sex.

Avian Influenza, Pullorum-Typhoid, Salmonella

All chicks and eggs are produced from US-approved pullorum-typhoid clean flocks. These chicks/eggs also originate from NPIP AI clean flocks or from flocks located in an area where AI has not been diagnosed.
Our poultry is produced under the supervision of the National Poultry Improvement Plan (, and accepted practices are used, however, we have no control over circumstances after they leave the hatchery. We do blood tests for pullorum but make no guarantees as to any other types of salmonella. We assume no liability for the continuing health of our poultry or humans with which they come into contact. Under no circumstances are we liable for more than the original purchase price.